Honestly, I don't know how it happened, but it is probably the worst mistake I have ever made as a traveler. I guess I was too fixated on entering Syria and I only recognized Antakya as a gateway into Syria, a place where I could crash for a night en route to Aleppo, Syria.
As I get off the bus, I feel that things have changed. While, I may not be in Syria I feel that I am now in The Middle East. As is my habit, I refuse cabbies, as I breathe in my new environment while breathing out smoke..
Again, I have no hotel booked here. My faint hope was finding a bus in to Syria, but it is not to be until tomorrow. No matter, as it is very beautiful around here.
So I resign myself to crashing for the night in Antakya.. I find a taxi and explain my needs through the language barrier. I begin to understand that language is going to be a huge issue from here on in, but I am lucky as my cabbie takes me to a nice hotel at a fair price.
I check in, change some cash and head out in search of food. As I walk around, I notice how beautiful this place is, nestled in the mountains with the beautiful ancient canal flowing through the middle of this picturesque locale.
The thing is that I only spent one night here, completely oblivious to the fact that I am in an ancient capital and trading centre known as Antioch. This place is rich with history, and I have not appreciated one iota of it.
As far as being a world traveler, Antioch is my Homer Simpson moment.
On to Syria tomorrow.