This feeling is familiar, and reveals that the traveling mentality must contain a shred of ruthlessness, and it reminds me of being four years old and forced back into the car as we drive away from the grandparents place.
Selcuk in the low season is a lovely place. I have seen incredible things here, and I have extended my stay as long as I can. I feel as if I am in some Turkish version of The Trueman Show. Nonetheless, the clock is ticking and I have little choice but to move on from this most beautiful, charming, and welcoming locale.
The level of hospitality I have received here is utterly beyond reproach. At 15 euro a night with balcony and breakfast included and nestled in the mountains near some of the worlds greatest historic sites, Selcuk in January is a great travel bargain if the weather holds. And by the way, feel free to make your own coffee anytime, and help yourself to the oranges growing plentifully from the tree in the courtyard.
The day before departure, I book a flight online from Izmir to Adana, total cost $50 cdn. I'm not sure how I'm going to get to the Izmir airport from Selcuk at the time of booking, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
On the morning of my checkout the awesome dude at the hotel advises me to go to the Saturday market, and that I can catch a bus that will drop me off near the Izmir airport.
Foolishly, I forget that it is Christmas Day, in spite of the fact that I am surrounded by gifts, and as I climb on the bus I can't help but feel that I am leaving a debt behind as I drag myself away from this perfect place.