Sunday, May 15, 2011

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Are Signs

I thought a long time before I decided to blog about this picture. I am reticent to post negative travel tales, feeling that one idiot, or one bad travel moment should not reflect on an entire citizenry, and most certainly if any people are worthy of such consideration, it is the people I met in Syria.

As I strolled upon the maze that is the the Old Quarter of Damascus, I saw something on the path ahead, and in that instant I had a millisecond of blind, ignorant naivety.

As I researched Syria, I discovered that not only is it a religiously tolerant country, there is actually a small Jewish community in this country.

Syria may be a police state, and I would in no way defend the regime, but it does have a significant Christian population and the constitution mandates that their voice be included in government. In addition, women hold powerful places in society.

Compared to the worst of Middle East regimes, Syria is slightly progressive.

So when I came upon this sight, I thought that maybe there was a Jewish store, and then I thought that I can't step on it, its a flag. A metal flag of Israel laying in the road, like a giant licence plate.

Instictively, I step over it, and in that instant, I understand, and suddenly I am pulled into an illuminating moment.

Middle East politics are suddenly being thrust upon me for the first and only time in my travels through this region.

As I take another step a voice calls from behind.

"No, no no, you're supposed to step ON it!" , he yells at me. His tone is playful. I turn and then he stomps on the sign/flag.

I smile back, and politely refuse, and as I keep walking through the Old City two things occur.

I would never stomp on any flag but my own, and only then under extreme circumstances.

Secondly, how is it possible that in a reality that is dominated by peaceful souls, that we find such intractable hatreds?

If you figure that one out, let me know.
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